A look back at our UBS x Women In Finance France evening. A few days ago, in partnership with UBS, the WIF Leadership Academy workshop on the theme of "Change Management" was held. An evening rich in learning and exchanges, offering our community essential tools to navigate an ever-changing environment.
"Change is all the time"!
And yet, studies carried out by specialized firms confirm the difficulty of integrating it in a positive way:
• 70% of change projects fail compared to their initial ambitions
• 3 to 6 months is the time it takes to fully adapt to the change.
The workshop explored several models of ownership of change, including:
• The curve of change, theorized by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, which explains the different stages of the integration process.
• The SCARE model, which offers the keys to effective leadership, to support transformations successfully.
Working groups followed, during which our members were able to discuss their experiences of change and how to support their teams in changing times.
We extend our sincere thanks to UBS for his warm welcome. Special mention to Henri Mills and Xavier Bélis for their stories and their support for accelerating parity in leadership positions within their organizations. A big thank you to Aesara Partners et to all our participants for their energy and commitment!
Be the change