Who We Are 

Women in Finance is an accelerator of female leadership in finance, a collective of engaged women and men embodying the change we want to see. WIF is a network based in Paris, an international circle, a bridge between the financial capitals of Paris, London, Brussels, and beyond as WIF relies on its very established English and Belgian sister networks.

WIF are women who share the same values and for whom sorority and finance are the keys to a more egalitarian and more sustainable world. WIF is an international community of women and men who come together to help women realise their dreams, and to have the support of their allies – they are the ones who, together, make the world of finance evolve. Networking events, inspiring evenings, masterclasses led by experts, mentoring at the European level, job Boards…everything is available for these WIFs to grow and be equipped with the best tools to boost their ambition & motivation and propel their career in Finance!

About Us Women

WIF Co-Founders

We are very fortunate to have a diverse and talented group of Patrons and Advisory Board members who support WIF France in the shaping and execution of our strategy and act as ambassadors for gender diversity. 

WIF Advisory Board

We are very fortunate to have a diverse and talented group of Patrons and Advisory Board members who support WIF France in the shaping and execution of our strategy and act as ambassadors for gender diversity. 

Véronique Well
Véronique Weill 

WIF President of Advisory Board
Chairwoman of the board CNP Assurances

Amélie Breitburg
Amélie Breitburg

ex CEO of Lloyds Europe, ​

Romain Lavauit
Romain Lavault

General Partner, Partech

Adeline Lemaire
Adeline Lemaire

Head of funds Investments. Bpifrance Investment

Susan O’Flyn
Susan O’Flyn

Head of Equities for France Belgium and Luxembourg, Morgan Stanley

Jean Manuel Richier
Jean-Manuel Richier

Co-head of Global Banking & Head of investment banking Continental Europe, HSBC